Monday, August 18, 2008

Recipe for Living Intentionally

Talking with a friend the other day, I had some final thoughts on living intentionally. It struck me that there is a “recipe” of sorts for living intentionally.

- 1 big scoop of intention/purpose/vision/aim
- 2 equal parts time and attention (or focus)
- Top with consistent, ongoing action

Start by defining your intention or aim. It is often helpful to write it out. Seeing it on paper (or the computer screen) can help to make it more real and powerful. So can sharing your intention with other people in your life who are supportive, encouraging, and can help you stick with your vision.

Next you need to give your intention adequate time and attention. Without these ingredients, your intention is no better than yet another sticky note tacked on your wall. It might be helpful to set aside time on a regular basis (whether daily, weekly, or monthly...depending on the overall timeframe for “baking” your intention) to really tap into your vision, focus on your goals, and plan actions guided by your intention.

Finally, nothing happens without the action piece. I’ve seen far too many intentions go unfulfilled from lack of action. Don’t let yours be one of these!

Okay, ‘nough said on this topic for now...

1 comment:

Heather @ The Striving Wife said...

That's a great recipe, one I will definitely be trying out soon! :)

Thanks for the follow on Twitter, hope to talk more!
